Spooky Bonanza

So, Halloween is nearly upon us, and I have been getting pretty excited. (If you follow me on Instagram this is pretty obvious!) I managed to restrain myself from putting the decorations up on October 1st, and as we had company on Saturday night I decided to crack them out at the weekend. I have always loved a bit of Halloween tat, but I like to think that i’ve managed to make it look fairly tasteful in our lovely little old house. With the decorations come the spooky pins (which I collect) and jewellery, like this little Tatty Devine ghost that Lee bought me a couple of years ago. I love it all! We went to visit Lee’s family the weekend before last, so I decided a funereal look was required.


Barnaby the pug.


My new pins from deer heart.storenvy.com


When I have been on a late shift (8:30 pm finish) or if it has been my course night, I love getting back to this cosy sight.


I paid a tenner to get this fella over from America. He’s a vintage Hallmark wind-up dracula, and I’m in love.


Yet more Halloween crap! Gotta love a solar powered dancing skeleton and pumpkin man!


Our front door.


The mantelpiece takes on a Halloween theme.



My nieces 7th birthday was last week, so we went to visit my sister and family on Sunday. The girls are Harry Potter obsessed, and this reached a peak when they visited the HP studio tour on Harriets bday. I made her a themed box for good measure.



Nothing like a good hot Sunday Roast dinner with family.


Followed by one of my favourites, Apple Crumble and custard!


I love visiting Kate and her little fam, they’re house always feels cosy and warm. They’ve just moved into this house, but I think it’s grand.



We had to re-arrange the front room to accommodate our new rather large TV table, and I prefer it so much! I got a new Weeping fig tree to fill the empty space we created.


Lee’s bro bought some tasty meringues from Selfridges.


Another cosy return home!


Tonight I went into town to meet my friend as she had got tickets for a live ‘horror’ experience called ‘The Morgue’ in Birmingham. I was kinda freaking out all day worrying about being terrified, but I jumped on the bus to meet her. The Cafe opposite the bus stop looks really inviting now the evenings are getting darker and colder.





It was really well done, specially knowing that the people who have created it are not professionals and that this was there first endeavour. I was really impressed, and luckily not as petrified as I had thought i’d be. There were lots of ‘jumpy’ bits, and the sights, sounds and smells were all creepy and disturbing, but I think I handled it pretty well given that I jump out of my skin when the toast pops up or the postman puts letters through the letterbox.

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